11 events for the week. You have many choices to choose from.
Don’t know what to do for the week? Well, check out what’s going on for this weekend.
11 events for the week. You have many choices to choose from.
Don’t know what to do for the week? Well, check out what’s going on for this weekend.
Normally, I attend an event from start to finish in order to form a full opinion on it. However, due to a family gathering that I could not miss (due to potential death or immense harm if I did), I was only able to attend the Motor City Steam Con from late Saturday afternoon to the end of the event. My “review” of the event is from the perspective of what I was able to experience in that short amount of time. I hope you will forgive me for not giving the full rundown of everything that this event had to offer.
Whilst I was not present for the full event, here are photos from my experience on Saturday afternoon and Sunday at this splendid event.