Tag Archives: Bounty Hunter

Chaotic Neutral Cosplay at the Cherry Capital Comic Con 2017

Leah, of Chaotic Neutral Cosplay, is a fixture in the Michigan Cosplay Community. We talk about cosplay, her background in live action film, being a Star Wars mercenary and winning the armor category cosplay contest at C2E2.

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Youmacon 2016 Dance and Extra

Check out these pics from the Friday and Saturday night dance parties at Youmacon. Plus, six extra pics (at the beginning) that I accidentally left out from the main albums.

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Sci-Phonic 2015

Sci-Phonic 2015
May 16th, 2015

The Michigan Philharmonic will perform orchestral versions of sci-fi, fantasy, adventure movie scores along with video game music. Movies to be featured: Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek along with a few others. Video games to be featured: Halo, World of Warcraft, Bounty Hunter, Civilization IV and Kingdom Hearts. Mark your calendars.

Steppingstone School
30250 Grand River Ave
Farmington Hills, MI 48336

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