The Japanese Animation Film and Art Expo returned to DeVos Hall and the Amway Grand hotel for their second year at these locations. This event ran into a few problems last year (long registration waits, confusing signage, etc). Despite all of that, the convention was a good time overall. Did they learn from the growing pains of being a convention that essentially started over? Find out.
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Tag Archives: JAFAX 21
David Vincent at JAFAX 2017
David Vincent is known for his roles as Senketsu (Kill la Kill) and Marshal Law (Tekken). We sat down to talk about his comedy background, his love of animation, the comedy webseries CONfessionals and the new anime community Anime Unlocked. Check out this really fun interview that was a year and a half in the making.
J Michael Tatum at JAFAX 2017
J Michael Tatum is featured in over 200 roles in the voice acting world. We talk about the challenges of script writing, his love for Shakespeare, Dr. Who, literature and comic books. Plus, I gave a special intro to this interview that he was not expecting.