Happy Holidays from MIGeekScene and an Update too

Once again, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and a huge thanks for your support throughout the year. I’m grateful for each and everyone of you who visits my site. I’m delighted when people come up and talk to me in person at events. MIGeekScene wouldn’t exist without you.  Actually, it still would be around but it wouldn’t be nowhere near as fun without you. Anywho, a sincere appreciation goes out to you. All of you are awesome in my book.

Now, onto the update. Since it’s the holiday season, MIGeekScene is taking an end of the year break. The convention season is practically over and I need to recharge my batteries for next year.  Plus, I have a backlog of website stuff to do. I will start posting stuff again, shortly after the new year.  I have some cool things planned for next year.  Be on the lookout.

With that being said, I have cheesy gifts for you. You can make the choice between Nice or Naughty.



Which one do you choose? Decisions. Decisions.

Happy Holidays, everyone.
