Tag Archives: dubstep

Scallywag Music Festival 2024

Ahoy me harties! Get Ready to Party Like a Pirate at Scallywag Music Festival! Set your sails to make camp in the barracks o’ the Black River Fairgrounds. Prepare yer hooks and peg legs for a right good time, as we be celebratin’ with thumping beats of dubstep and riddim to keep your timbers shivering. Mark yer maps for festivities Saturday August 10th. Gates swing open at the bell o’ one, and thar’ll be tunes and grog startin’ at four bells in the afternoon watch. Prepare to plunder & mosh the dancefloors. 18+ entry so you can party like a pirate without any scurvy landlubbers. Wristbands will be granted to carousers +21.
This be a Leave No Trace event, so respect the code, ye rapscallions, and leave the surroundin’ villages and landlubbers be.
The main stage sits on 18 acres o’ open air – with a 60 foot movie screen, prime campin’ spots by the stage for early birds, riverside views, starry skies at night, thunderin’ sounds, lights, and lasers. Grub will be served up by vendors near the concessions buildin.
Follow yer compass merely two hours north o’ Detroit where X marks the spot to celbrate ye opening of ‘The Pearl’! We drop anchor at the Black River Fairgrounds, home o’ the historic Hi-Way Drive-In, located at 2778 E Sanilac Rd in Carsonville. So don ye pirate hats, and we’ll be seein’ ye scallywags on August 10th! ARRRRRGG!

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