Here is a little bit of announcement if I may. For those who have been stopping by this website, thank you very much. If you are wondering why it looks rather plain, it’s because this is just an events prototype place holder of something bigger to come. Not a lot of people know about it yet since I haven’t advertised its existence. The real deal site will have images and videos to accompany the articles. I will also have more of a routine upload schedule as well. I want to be able to list all of the cool nerd and geek events for Michigan. All of the info on this site will transfer over to the final version.

If you feel that I have left something out, feel free to contact me and let me know. I really do not want to leave out much. This applies to all the various geek genres out there in Michigan. If you have a con or event that you want me to put up here, contact me please. If you have any suggestions on what content you would like to see in the event descriptions send them my way. Let’s work together for more geek happenings in Michigan. Who wouldn’t want that? People who don’t like fun, that’s who. Like I mentioned earlier, bigger things are coming down the line. Stay tuned.
